Sunday, November 9, 2008

Hey guys...

My blog has moved to:

Check it out sometime, if you have the chance!


Monday, October 20, 2008

No Words...

Hey guys...I'm writing tonight with a heavy heart. I need your prayers.

About a month ago, the 22 year old sister to one of my best friends contracted bacterial meningitis, and had to be sent to the hospital. The bacteria reacts different ways in different peoples bodies, in Noelle's, it totally shut down her lungs. She spent the last month on life support in a hospital in BC.

When Tasha's (my friend's) family found out what had happened, the flew out quickly to be with Noelle. The doctors told them it was very serious, but also gave them a lot of hope. Tasha's mom has been there with Noelle this entire time, and Tasha, her brother, and her dad have flown out multiple times for short periods.

This Saturday, my school soccer team was in a tournament, and during one of the breaks, some of the people in my class went and prayed for Noelle. Tasha told us that at this point, usually the person had begun to heal, or else the doctors would ask the family to consider taking their family member off life support. Neither was the case for Noelle, because she had already fought this far, and the doctors all had hope that she could eventually pull through. However, Tasha told us that the next morning she would be flying out to say goodbye, just in case.

Noelle passed away last night.

Please keep Tasha and her family in your well as my class, and my team...a lot of people are hurting. It would be hugely appreciated!

We praise Him, because His compassions never fail. They are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness. But we hurt right now, deeply, for a friend and a sister. We will keep our eyes on You.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


read my blog for an exciting story

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

hello hello

hey girlies. man i havent posted in such a long time! haha this is exciting. i miss hanging out with all u guys! anyways, im so glad school is over! although i have next year to look forward to haha... yay.. grade 12. THATS SCARRRYYY!!! ahaha..  well over the summer im doing nothing but working #1 im going to england and i need money #2 i need a car. sooo working is my best option to achieve those goals haha. so if any of u guys wanna do something this summer give me a call fo text me. i will be bored. <3

Thursday, June 19, 2008

School's over for me!

I'M SO EXCITED! i just got home from writing my last ever high school final! Biology 30 is over. and the last time i will be at evan hardy is in half an hour to return my textbooks. its's kinda weird but a relief to be done with the stress of studying. i can't believe i'm graduating! it's kinda scary but exciting at the same time. i'm so happy to be done with that bio final. i almost cried when i handed in my exam cause i was so happy to be done (ok just kidding i didn't almost cry, but i could have if i really wanted to). Now i have 3 more days of work before an amazing week of graduation and hanging out at the lake with all my friends! (oh yea so if you've told me you can come i need $20 asap for food and gas). anyway i'm really happy and excited. anyway i have to work in like an hour so im gonna go eat and play pacman cause guess what...........I DON'T HAVE TO STUDY! aha ha ha. i'm such a dork, but i love you all.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Why am i so selfish?

this past month has been the stress month of my life.
i realized how stupidly selfish i am this morning in reviewing how this past month has gone. especially this morning, God really brought it to my attention looking over the past few entries in my prayer journal.
it seems like almost everyone has been a rushed prayer right before heading off to finish a huge assignment or a rushed prayer right before heading off to school to write a final and the prayer is unfocused because i'm trying not to waste brain power or anything that doesn't involve trying to memorize how to do a certain math problem or the legal system of canada or what i'm going to say for a certain presentation.
All these prayers are filled with words like, "God, please let me do a good job." "Let my work honor you. " and looking back, can i honestly say that this prayer is honest? am i truly trying to honor him with honoring myself?
i understand that in everything we do we are to do it well, but i seem to be forgetting the second part of that verse, or at least, not applying it on a deep level. do it well, as though working for God and not for man.
how can i think of the way i've been putting so much time and effort into studying and schoolwork as worship of God when that's all my prayers consit of?
where is the prayer that for once i'm not thinking about myself and what God can do for me? where is the worship of simply deciding to spend time in the word simply because i love him and i just want to listen to him.
it's like, because my life is full of stress, the world suddenly revolves around my problems and i abuse the fact that God has unconditional love and grace for me.
Where's the humble attitude that he is God and he's willing to speak to me if i choose to put him above everything.
Father, i wish this life was easier. i wish it was easier to choose you once and be devoted to you for life. It's so hard to realize that every moment is a choice of worship. Every second i'm given is a new chance for me to choose to pick you above everything. i want to be obsessed in everything you are.
i wish i could block out the world. i wish i could be like one of the elders that Isaiah talks about, so seduced by your glory that i could do nothing but fall at your feet, knowing nothing but your spirit and your loveliness. Take me to the other side of heaven. Teach me what it means to be obsessed.
I want to give up this obsession of self. i want to give up this idea that i need to receive from you to know that i am loved. i'm so selfish. teach me what it means to be a servant father.
I love you.
I ask for your blessing, but only if you have searched my heart and you see it to be a humble request. i know i can never deserve what you give.
i love you.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

hey guys i need some prayer...youth worship is playing on the 22nd, and there are a couple songs that i can play for...there is practice today. and i am going. i haven't touched my violin in over a month. i'm scared, i really am. i don't know if i can handle this, i dont' know if i can do this!

Monday, June 2, 2008


Okay all i have to say is GREAT JOB LEANNE! people are posting now! everyone else who reads this better post if you love us. anyway,...i'm really super excited for going to the lake after grad. how about you guys? it's gonna be so much fun! i'm inviting quite a few people though so some people might have to sleep outside in a tent. we've got the trailer's so old and's quite funny really. the furniture is upholstered with this really old material and it's so...ugly...yeah. anyway i think i might be heading up there on the monday/tuesday before to get the cabin cleaned up and stuff cause guess what....i only have 2 finals! i have a whole week off before grad so...yeah. it should be a blast guys. when we're there y'all gotta try skinny dipping. hahaha.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

For marla and katie

Daddy, thank you for the blessing of friendship and for each and every person that comes into our lives and changes a piece of who we are. thank you for this blog and the authenticity and support we can find here as sisters.

"Bend down, O lord and hear my prayer,
answer me, for i need your help
protect me for i am devoted to you
save me for i serve and trust you
You are my God
Be merciful to me, O Lord
for i am calling on you constantly
Give me happiness, O Lord
For I give myself to you
O Lord, you are so good, so ready to forgive,
so full of unfailing love for all who ask you for help
Listen carefully to my prayer, O Lord,
Hear my urgent cry,
I will call out to you whenever i am in trouble
and you will answer me."
Psalm 86:1-7

God, i know that there are things in this world that scare us and things that bring us pain. Father, that right now, you would give comfort to Katie. Hold her in your embrace and tell her again that you have a plan for her life. You have promised her a future that is good and not evil with hope and not pain or fear. Father, i pray that you would bend down and listen to her prayer. i pray that you would give her happiness in knowing that you are near. I pray that you would give her courage to realize that you have given her a gift with the violin and you take great joy in listening to the music she makes. God i pray that the pain or sorrow or anxiety that she feels about Marla would leave her as she plays and she would play her violin in honor of the long hours that Marla had taught her and in honor of the God that gave her such a gift.

God, for Marla, we ask that you would be near her as well. God, you are a god of compassion and unfailing love and i pray that whether or not Marla knows you now, your presence would be made know to her as she goes through a time of undertainties and fears. Give her strength to fight adn joy through pain. Saviour- you can move the mountains- you are mighty to save, my God is mighty to save. God, I love that you have promised us hope and i love that one who is all-powerful and holds everything in his hand cares so deeply for each and every life. God, only you have the power to save.

I pray also for Katie, that her faith in you would be strengthened and she could grow deep in understanding of what it means to trust you adn love you even though she may not understand you. draw her deeper into trusting you with her whole heart and mind. i know you love her.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

for leanne...

alrighty so leanne has been bugging all of us to post but she sent me a message saying i MUST have something to write about and well i guess i do (kinda) so i guess i'll write.

so you all know that i take violin lessons, i've taken them since i was 4 years old. and for the last....three years? four years? i don't know exactly but anyways i've been taking lessons for a lady named marla and she's really good and i really like her. and we've actually kinda become friends i guess you could say...but well we have a really good time every week and yeah anyways. well about a month ago now (maybe a month and a half? i suck with time) she was diagnosed with breast cancer. she had surgery and is now going though chemo and so far it's been ok but it hit me really hard. when i found out i broke down and cried, i mean, i cried in front of my mom for goodness sakes, which is something i can't even remember the last time that happened. so i haven't even seen marla since like 2 weeks before i found out she was diagnosed, as my lessons were cancelled for the rest of the year. i don't even know if i'll have lessons next year. but it's really strange, how hard it hit me. i mean, i still cry about it. people will ask me how violin is going and i say fine and then i leave and compose myself or have a little cry party. it's a little odd. i never realized that something like that would hit me so hard. maybe i'm just extra emotional? but it hurts. i can't play violin. i have played twice since i found out; once because my mom made me practice and once for worship night for youth a couple weeks ago. and i cannot explain in words how hard it was for me to play. especially when i practiced my pieces. there are so many memories and so much of marla there, and i just can't do it. i can't play. which is odd, because really i love violin and i love to play and usually when i don't play for a couple days i miss it and my fingers itch to play. but i don't miss it. well i do, really, but i don't want to play. it hurts too much to play. and i don't know why.

so there you go, leanne and everyone else. that's part of my life right now.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Calling all willing warm-hearted servants!

Hey girls! Wow haven't blogged in awhile. Anyway, i need to know if any of you girls are interested in helping me out with a huge fundraiser for an organization called Free The I know you all want to cause you're all very giving people and you LOVE to help others. So if you are at all interested (100% committed volunteers will be needed), talk to me at youth or church sometime in the next couple weeks and i'll explain in more detail what some of my ideas are. It's gonna be great!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

casting crowns- here i go again

i found a new song that i really am liking right now. the lyrics are pretty powerful.
i mean, if we all truly believe that we need a saviour, and we're going to heaven, and that God really loves everyone, shouldn't we want to share it?
anyhoo, this song really applies to my life.

So maybe this time
I'll speak the words of life
With Your fire in my eyes
But that old familiar fear
is tearin' at my words
What am I so afraid of?
'Cause here I go again
Talkin' 'bout the rain
And mullin' over things
that won't live past today
And as I dance around the truth
Time is not his friend
This might be my last chance
to tell him that You love Him

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

my play!

hey guys i know i talked to some of you about this but just to remind you, i'm in one acts this week if you want to come watch.....haha wednesday thursday friday 7:30, there's three plays and it's $3. which is pretty cheap! so yeah if you want to come watch....then you should come lol

Monday, April 14, 2008


haha wow guys.. no posts in april yet. yay for gracee shes posting!! lol well how are u all?? im doing pretty awesome! and im just sittin in my room listning to music.. yay i love you all and cant wait to see u guys friday!!!!! yay for worship night!!! yay grace and paul!!!! lol u say yay too much.... xoxoxoxoxo

Sunday, March 23, 2008

do do do from a friend in egypt....

SO I was thinking today on the bus...
Why were there ancient egyptians in egypt and what was their purpose....????
well then I heard a conversation in front of me and It got me thinking....
Maybe there were ancient civiliztions in the world to provide tourisim to places in the world where there isn't really anything else spectacular(i mean that very Very loosly. but anyways I think the ancient egyptians were there provide a way of life to the people here... like the fact that most of their econmy is based on tourism without the pyramids and temples what do they have here??.....the disguting Nile....I bet Katelynn and Steph can atest to this since they are on a cruise onit now and it really is pretty gross...I love you guys lots and one more thing....

(P.S the driving here is about 15 times worse than in mexico and the men are like millions of times worse here)

Friday, March 21, 2008

I'm sorry

I can’t believe it.
It’s so amazing.
My mind is confused by its beauty.
How did you stand Jesus?
When the world did nothing.
When all hope was gone.
When your Father fully abandoned you.
When it was your turn to stand.
When you took on every sin, every heaviness, every pain, every sorrow, every evil, every injustice, every broken heart, every judgement passed, every tear shed, every knife plunged, every fear, every shout that caused one to be lost.
I think of myself and am ashamed of my weakeness.
You were human yet you took on every evil.
The one that gave you strength could no longer be with you
Because of the evil you took on.
You were alone.
I can’t imagine the pain and emptiness of such aloneness.
I’m sorry I wasn’t there to hold the cross for you.
I’m sorry that I was too caught up in being the voice in the crowd that mocked you.
Forgive you for mocking you still.
You stood alone
Your father could no longer give you strength
He could no longer be near you
Because of the evil you took on.
Because of the evil that I clothed you in.
I know my hands were there as the cloak was drapped around your shoulders.
I know that my finger was pricked in making a crown of injustice that would sit on your head. Did my heart know then that you were my king?
I am pained by whatever pain I caused you.
I’m sorry.
I know those words mean nothing.
But I’m speechless and my heart’s cry can find only the words:
I’m sorry.
You were human.
I think that I have been good.
Then the arrow pierces deep inside my heart.
The arrow that bellows of the fact that I am the worst of sinners.
I am no less guilty to the one who swung the hammer that plunged the nail in deeper. I know my hand was there also giving the arm that swung the hammer my strength. Pushing the nail deeper until pain was no longer- just numbness. Just an ache that my heart, the heart of your daughter, the one you love, chose to swing the hammer.
I’m sorry.
Why would you do it?
I will never possess the power to understand even a fraction of why all that pain was suffered for the one inflicting the pain.
Why would you do it?
I’m not even worth one scar.
Why would you do it?
Was my face in your mind?
Why would you do it?
My face is not worth a single whip.
I’m sorry, Jesus.

I'm sorry Precious one
I’m sorry for what they did to you.
I’m sorry for what I am doing to you.
I’m sorry.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I agree

Okay, so, mylandra's in Egypt which is really cool- but i'm really jealous about...
my parent's got rid of the van and bought a new car and i didn't even know about it until i saw a strange car parked in our drive-way. trent has a really cool new bunnyhug- seriosuly, i hope he wears it on friday so you guys can see it- its tremendous! (good word)
i'm getting mad at my law class cause we always have debates that somehow lead to how christianity has brain-washed our culture and we all need to free ourselves from such an unliberal culture. grrr. seriously that smart guy was right about post-modernism being everywhere in our culture. the enemy was really smart in creating such a thought in our minds. grrr. anyhoo, it would really honor me if you guys could pray that i would remain strong in my faith and be willing to have courage and speak the truth in love. thanks- love you.


i just realized i made a typo. it's WRITE not RIGHT. was bothering me. just so you know i'm not an idiot. i'm weird....but not an idiot.

Where has everybody gone?

Okay so here's the thing that really bothers me. All of us girls from the mexico team used to be tight, we still are but we never hang out all together anymore and that SUCKS! i'm sorry but i miss you guys and i find it really sad that none of us (including myself) ever right on the blog anymore. i don't know what's goin on wit you guys, whats happening in your lives. well some of you i do...sort of....but before we used to right stuff on the blog about what exciting things were happening for us or what we needed prayer for. and we need to hang out ALL OF US! we NEED to be a team still, the mexico girls team. i mean seriously girls.... think about it.....WE NEED EACH OTHER and i wanna be great friends with all of you for a very long time. Relationships of any kind need to be given effort and they need to be nurtured. I don't want to run into you girls at church five years from now and not have anything to say to you because we never talk. so let's all make an effort to hang out more often and keep each other posted I'll go first.....well... i would...except i have nothing exciting what so ever going on in my pathetic little life. Umm....i'm buying a canoe and that makes me happy. Other than that i got nothin. So.....what's goin on with you girls? You should all write a little something this week or talk to me on friday at the pancake breakfast or...sometime this week...TALK TO ME! and all the other girls. I LOVE YOU GIRLS and i don't want us to drift apart. When you read this i challenge every single one of you to write something about your week...something good....something bad.....something sad....something dull...something lifechanging or profound. Come on i know you can do it. I dare ya!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Canoe Trip?

Hey does anyone wanna go on a canoe trip with me this summer? I think we should plan a canoe trip. Why? Because it would be fun. Thats why. So who's in?

Friday, February 29, 2008

poor blog....

poor, poor blog.
so saddened by all its friends leaving...
i'm so sorry my darling blog. i will make more of an effort to talk to you.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

will u be my valentine?

Happy Valentines day everyone!!! i love you all...

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

on a not so serious note..

hey guys. so from what i hear on facebook the plan this thursday is to meet at Tim Hortons on 8th street (oh wait which one.. the new one or old one?? i think we should go to the new one....) at 7:30..

Thursday, January 31, 2008

An absolute

There's been a question popping up inside my mind a lot. It bugs me because this summer I was introduced to a feeling of full faith. Without question. God spoke to me in a way that I couldn’t deny it. With that truth came a joy and a freedom that I will never be able to express in words. It was like what Jesus said in John 8:32, “And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” This is why I encourage everyone to seek truth. Because when you find him, this person of truth, he does give you a freedom that is so amazingly beautiful.

Since the summer, the world has been changing my view. Which kind of sucks. The world is full of voices that claim to be truth. The world is full of voices that claim that they will give you this freedom and this joy that I know that only the father can grant. Its hard for Christians, especially teenagers in high school to go through these years and not be deceived by the lies that are always upon us. Its hard for us to maintain an integrity that we know our father would be proud of. Its hard to be in this world and not of it. Our battle is not one that will end while we are on this side of heaven. Even Paul, the one that wrote over half of the New Testament had shown his struggles, “Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward that goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:12-14.

I'd rather go back to full faith without question. But I know this question was put in my mind, so I would be able to have an answer for my faith for anyone who asks. I know this is a chance for me to grow and a chance to be challenged in a way that will help me be able to protect my heart and mind from the evil one.

The question that has been so persistently in my mind:
Is there such thing as absolute truth?

If you think about it, we all come from different worlds. We all come from different mindsets about this world and how it operates. So, according to this idea, it would seem that everyone is entitled to their own standard, and through that, everyone is entitled to his or her own truth.

Within my group of Christian friends, we all have different opinions on what a life of integrity looks like. We all have different standards and different ideas about the life that God wanted us to lead. We sometimes define this as discipline. A friend of mine for example, feels that yoga isn't right for Christians to partake in. This was something I had never had a problem with and I had actually partaken in yoga before. Granted, of course, I did not have the knowledge of the fact that each yoga pose was a different stance for worshiping a Hindu God. But now that I do know that, I have to ask the question, is that going to change my view of it? I had never believed while I was doing it, that I was a worshiping a Hindu God. But now that I have that knowledge, I cannot simply take it so easily for granted. It would seem, in this case that truth has changed because of new found knowledge.

But, is that possible? Truth is truth- is it not? Truth doesn't change does it? My change in knowledge about yoga seemed to change the truth I believed about yoga. This is where we take a look at the frailty of lies.
Proverbs 12:19: "Truthful words stand the test of time, but lies are soon exposed."

Where truth is constant, lies change frequently.

First of all, lies are all around us. Take a piece of untrue gossip for example. We make it to be true in our mind until someone can prove that it is a lie. Which each new person that receives the piece of gossip comes a new perspective and the story becomes more and more distorted. Gossip changes frequently. It you were to hear a story that is absolute truth however, how often will it change? Never- because truth transcends perspective. The only part of truth that will distort it is our knowledge or perspective of what the truth looks like. And, in that sense, it can no longer be called truth because truth cannot change.

The second point I want to make is that this seems to jive with everything that God says about his personality. He calls Himself a rock, unchangeable, faithful. Throughout his word, we see the truth of these claims. He is constant and does not change. Paul says in Titus 1:2: “…-A faith and knowledge resting on the hope of eternal life, which God, who does not lie, promised before the beginning of time…”

Jesus said himself, "I am the way, THE TRUTH, and the life..." he explicitly says that he is truth. Because I believe that whatever God says is truth, if Jesus says he is truth and those words came from his father, who speaks truth, it must be absolute truth. What does that mean though? How does Jesus being truth affect us?

If Jesus is truth, than that must imply that whatever he says must be truth as well. That affects our whole perception of who Jesus is and who God is. Jesus, made a ton of claims while he was on earth, and in John especially, we see that a high percentage of them are claims about his father- claims about God. In chapter 5 verse 31-36, Jesus says, “If I testify about myself, my testimony in not valid. There is another who testifies in my favor and I know that his testimony about me is valid… I have testimony weightier than that of John. For the work that the Father had given me to finish, and which I am doing testifies that the Father has sent me.”

If you believe in the truth of Jesus, than you have no choice but to believe in the truth of God. Each entity proves the other. If you believe in the truth of God than you must believe that the bible is true and if you believe in the truth of the bible, than you must believe that there is a God who desires to be with us, to see life change in us, who wants us to go out and make disciples of many nations.

But what about for those who don't believe in this truth that I believe? Does the fact that we are all humans with the ability to form opinions fight against the idea of absolute truth? God's word also says that he is the one who granted us freedom of thought, opinion and action. He is the one who said to his children, yes I have given you the truth to believe in, but it’s your choice to believe. It’s your choice to acknowledge that I am God, that I am real, that I am absolute truth.

Can I make an argument within this quest for truth that points to the God that I believe in? Can I say in a totally unbiased mindset that everyone on earth should believe the God that I believe because I believe he is truth? As much as I would love it for everyone to believe the truth I believe, that doesn’t make it truth until they find it for themselves. Going back to my yoga example, truth wasn’t truth to me until I saw or heard or experienced it for my own eyes.

What I can conclude from this that there is an absolute truth. There is a truth that cannot be changed by perspective. God is truth. Jesus is truth. The bible is truth.

Saying that, I also must conclude that we live in a world where truth is hard to find. It will ever be distorted by perspective. Distorted by small changes that turn it into lies. The question I now must take into account is Am I going to be a representative of God- a representative of truth, to a world that is full of lies? Am I going to encourage truth seekers? Am I going to take this freedom that I’ve found through the discovery of truth and share it?

Are you?

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


at school. bored. harrison and sam are talking to me. im not even listening to them. haha. i have biology next. not fun. i dunno why im typing like this. probably cause im bored. so whos all coming to robyns? im hungry.

Thursday, January 24, 2008



Saturday, January 19, 2008

please prayy

so i forgot to pray about this in my small group last night. but most of u know Colton Garbe who used to come to our youth group, anyways, his grandma passed away recently and his moms taking it pretty hard. just pray that God would be with them right now and that they would be at peace. thanks girlies... oh and i have news... read my blog..hahah or the chat box thinger in the corner..haha love u all!!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The One Who Never Leaves

God you are sooo amazing! I look back at all the answered prayers you have made for us, for all the love you lay on us. For the comfort for the learning for the safty for the peace you give us. Lord right now Erin is going through a tough time. You know what is happening and what its about lord. You know what she has to give up to you. And I ask you for the courage and streanth she needs to do this. I ask you to remind her of her comitements to you. To remind her of your unfailling love and your undieing comfort. God just let her be at peace with you this week let her give up what you have told her to and let her understand why she had to give it up. Let her see your path for her life not her own. And God that is a constant struggle and sooo hard sometimes but let her realize how much better her life will be when she finally surrenders to you lord. Show her that every single day of her life has a purpose and that you have layed it out infront of her lord. Be the center be the core be the everything of her.
Your love is amazing
steady and unchangeing
Your love is a mountian firm beneath my feet
your love is a mystry
how you gently lift me
when i am surrounded your love carries me
your love makes me sing!!

This is for all of you girlis not just erin! i love you all!
God Bless

Friday, January 11, 2008

would appreciate a little prayer

Hey sammie. First of all, you are awesome and your heart for encouragement always shines through.
i'm responding to your post a while ago, because i've been struggling- not tons- but still struggling, espicially with jealousy. I can feel a constant battle going on inside of me- one part trying to convince me to conform to the world and one side telling me to fight with everything in me for my integrity. And i'm trying- but the thoughts keep coming. If all you girlies could pray that my actions would portray a heart of integrity and I could learn to trust God to fight for me, i would really appreciate it.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


at my house! 126 mulcaster cres! call if you need more directions! let me know if you're coming! bring food! 7:30! love!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Hey girls! how are you all doing? i feel like i haven't REALLY talked to all of you in FOREVER!! how are you for real. Do you need prayer for anything? Are you really struggling with something right now that has been like a cloud over your head that wont go away? or bricks on your back that keep pilling up and up? I hope that we can be really .. well real with each other. I LOVE you all soo much! ok well i'll see you all soon k! love xoxoxox