Thursday, September 6, 2007


heyy guys. k well i've done it again.. i lost something. this time it was really expensive. well i think when i lost my purse and had to change all the locks on the house, that was more expensive. but this time i feel sick about it. 2 days ago i lost a new hoodie that i bought for band. it has my name on it and my instrument and choir on it. it was like 40$ and i reallly liked it. and i lost it! i looked everywhere for it. its somewhere in my school so somebody might have taken it...
i know this sounds stupid but could u guys pray that i would find it?? thanks..
love u all!


Sami said...

ok gracie!! love you and hope you find it!!!

Leanne said...

of course i will pray for you, i know what its like to have lost something *cough cough ipod cough* and i just pray that you would be able to lose this losing streak of yours. prayerfully yours, Leanna