Wednesday, December 19, 2007

falling down

no matter how many times we realize that we need to start to be good, we always come back to a point of being disappointed in ourselves. we think, finally, finally, we understand that we don't have to do bad anymore. But slowly and surely, the world pulls us back in. And then we find ourselves back at a point where we need to be saved from ourselves. We realize we put ourselves in a position that there is nothing left that we can do to save ourselves and we cry out for a hero to step in and save the day once again. Because of his love, he always is ready to come to our rescue and defend his loved ones from whatever the evil one has sent our way.
but why can't we just be saved- once and for all?
Why can't we be free from ourselves and what brings us back down to the same spot he just saved us from?
Why doew he have enough patience to keep on saving us, day after day and enough love to look past our failures and see something worth saving?
Why can we never be freed from this evil that wills us to sink down into its depths?
Why do we insist of keeping this evil, as though it was clamped to out feet like shackles when God has made a way for us to be free?
But then, these shackles, these chains that we put ourselves in, they are why we need a saviour.
This thing that we call evil is the reason we need Him.
this is a NEED- desperately important to our very capability to have any life and this NEED is for Him- all that He is- His heart.

1 comment:

*gracie* said...

erin why do u make my head hurt? lol