Thursday, June 19, 2008

School's over for me!

I'M SO EXCITED! i just got home from writing my last ever high school final! Biology 30 is over. and the last time i will be at evan hardy is in half an hour to return my textbooks. its's kinda weird but a relief to be done with the stress of studying. i can't believe i'm graduating! it's kinda scary but exciting at the same time. i'm so happy to be done with that bio final. i almost cried when i handed in my exam cause i was so happy to be done (ok just kidding i didn't almost cry, but i could have if i really wanted to). Now i have 3 more days of work before an amazing week of graduation and hanging out at the lake with all my friends! (oh yea so if you've told me you can come i need $20 asap for food and gas). anyway i'm really happy and excited. anyway i have to work in like an hour so im gonna go eat and play pacman cause guess what...........I DON'T HAVE TO STUDY! aha ha ha. i'm such a dork, but i love you all.

1 comment:

Paul said...

I'm Jealous but whatever I will have that next year