Monday, October 22, 2007


I was walking home through the field today as normal. and then i see this huge crowd of kids on a softball diamond not very far away. and as i try and figure out whos there, i start relalizing its a lot of druggies and the more "sketchy" crowd in our school. (sorry for categorizing them- i hate putting titles on groups of people, but anyway...) this is weird because the druggie group never comes out into the field. they have their own little druggie catwalk right behind the school. and when i look over to the druggie catwalk, i realize that a whole huge bunch of druggies are running across the field to the softball diamond. there's like 50 people there and its one of the wierdest things i've seen in a long time and i am totally confused. and then i hear it as the druggies run past. whispers that catch my ear about a fight. and suddenly, i get so angry. there's about fifty students that i know that are standing outside to watch two stupid kids fight. It makes me mad. I will never understand it. i will NEVER understand how fighting someone is fun. i will NEVER understand how beating the crap out of someone is fun. I will NEVER understand how people want to watch. i will NEVER understand why 50 people are excitedly anticipatiting watching someone beat the crap out of someone else. It totally baffles me. I don't get it.
and then as i'm walking home, i'm like, FATHER, please don't let anything bad happen. Father PLEASE protect them. the words "protect them" keep running through my head.
I just........... i don't understand the stupidity of humans sometimes.


Rach said...

Erin, i find myself thinking the same things. WHY? it is totally ridiculous and i don't understand either. i guess we just have to deal with these things somehow. keep praying.

Paul said...

I was wondering what was going on in the feild after school I was like drug dealing no to public so that makes sense but why do people get so stupid...Im sure we'll hear all about it tomorrow..sadly...

Sami said...

i totaly agree with rach just keep praying girl

*gracie* said...

yeahh.. who knows why these things happenn..