Monday, August 6, 2007

I miss you all!

Hey girls! How is everyone's summer going? Great i hope. Mine has been awesome so far. I've been at camp Kadesh for the past 3 weeks and it was absolutely wonderful. I love camp. I'm hoping to junior counsel next year. I met some amazing people there and God started to do some pretty crazy things that are really starting to change me. I can't wait to see all of you and tell you about it. I'm so excited for youth to start again. Anyway, God has been sending me some 'messages' and there are some pretty exciting things that are going to be happening for me soon that i want all of you to be a huge part of. I won't explain it all now but after school starts (sorry to bring it up guys) we have to start our prayer meetings things again and i'll tell you all about it. I hope it will be successful with God's help but i need you guys too. It's exciting. I really hope you are all having an amazing summer. Now i'm off to Erin and Jeff's ( how do you spell his name , i totally forgot, that might be wrong) to play settlers even though i have no idea how. Oh well it will be fun. I love you all and i miss you.


enji said...

that is definately how you spell it. i have a song that i'll sing to you. (we have this family thing where we're given "name songs"

i can't believe i just admitted that, please don't laugh at me.

Rach said...

Awww Erin i love you , you're so cute! luv ya!