Yeah so i'm just sitting here really bored and i desided that i shoud tell all of you something ready? ok
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
Hey girls
Hey everyone incase you don't already know the oneway girls meeeting is at steph mochars house this week!
How are all of ya! Good i hope! ok well love yoiu!
xoxoxooxox sam
How are all of ya! Good i hope! ok well love yoiu!
xoxoxooxox sam
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
jeez guys... somebody else needs to post
Hi Erin. How's it goin'? Man, this remix is kickin'! So anywho. Today in choir I was like, "Man, I really don't want to do this." Ya, that's my story. What's yours?
It had better involve explosions.
Dang it, i can't trust anyone. i told him not to go on to my blog.- the above- in blue was written by my friend Vaughn. thankfully he did not read it- our secrets have not been revealed. (jk)
so anyway- guess what? for creative writing we actually have to write on a blog. i will soon be involved in 5 seperate blogs at the same time. which is intense. i hope the rest of the people on the school blog will not be able to find my other blogs.
So basically, i'm exhausted, sick, tired, stressed, frusterated with people, stressed, and i feel like curling up in bed and just staying there until the week is over. the only thing that is really keeping me together this week is prayer and my beautiful saviour. and what's really weird is the fact that the heavier my world seems to be on my shoulders, the more God's been teaching me hardcore how he loves me. this week espicially. he keeps on making me fall in love with him in a way i've never felt before. Because i keep on being struck with the fact that I'm a daughter of a King. I'm a wife to the saviour of the world. I'm friends to a God that is sovreign and so above me in his ways that i will never understand.
Spirit, you are alive and working. Sometimes, i just have to open my eyes. Open my eyes to the hearts around me. Open my eyes so that i might experience your glory even more than i have. I want to see with your eyes. I want to see hearts the way you do that i might learn to love your children as you do. But your ways are higher. You are God, King, Saviour while i am a child, a human with an evil heart. I am nothing without your son.
Daddy, right now i want to lift up my sisters.we all need to find worth in you. in this world were we are constantly thrown into the idea that we have to be something that they've created, help us understand who you've created us to be. You have created every thought, ever part of us, everything that we have done and will do is written down in your book even before it happened. you are the only thing that makes us complete and whole. You are the only person who could love us the way you do no one else is capable of such a huge love, of such a pure love.
I'm frusterated with the fact that words can not express who you are. I wish our ability to write and to speak would make us capable to catch a glimpse of you. i can not even come close to expressing it.
I'm not worthy to call you my father and yet you called me daughter. You called me your child. you called me love. God i want to ask that you would give us wisdom and discernment as we seek your voice in the middle of a world that has voices shouting at us everyday. Help us hear your voice clearly and know your truths and be able to seperate it from the lies that the world and even the devil throw at us everyday.
God help us to know that we are beautiful. Help us to know that we are yours. Give us an understanding of the fact that we are princesses. help us realize that along with taking up a cross everyday, you've also placed on our heads a crown that people might look at us and realize that we are princesses, who have a father that adores us. thank you for adoring us. Thank you for making me smile. Wow, whenever i'm having a crazy day, or i'm exhausted, you show me what it means to have joy.
" The spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me, for the Lord has appointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that captives will be released and prisoners will be freed. He has sent me to tell those who mourn that the time of the Lord's favor has come, and with it, the day of God's anger against their enemies. To all who mourn in Israel, he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that the Lord has planted for his own glory." Isaiah 61:1-3
"... for the Lord delights in you and he will claim you as his bride. Your children will commit themselves to you, O Jerusalem, just as a young man commits himself to his bride. Then God will rejoice over you as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride." Isaiah 62: 4
It had better involve explosions.
Dang it, i can't trust anyone. i told him not to go on to my blog.- the above- in blue was written by my friend Vaughn. thankfully he did not read it- our secrets have not been revealed. (jk)
so anyway- guess what? for creative writing we actually have to write on a blog. i will soon be involved in 5 seperate blogs at the same time. which is intense. i hope the rest of the people on the school blog will not be able to find my other blogs.
So basically, i'm exhausted, sick, tired, stressed, frusterated with people, stressed, and i feel like curling up in bed and just staying there until the week is over. the only thing that is really keeping me together this week is prayer and my beautiful saviour. and what's really weird is the fact that the heavier my world seems to be on my shoulders, the more God's been teaching me hardcore how he loves me. this week espicially. he keeps on making me fall in love with him in a way i've never felt before. Because i keep on being struck with the fact that I'm a daughter of a King. I'm a wife to the saviour of the world. I'm friends to a God that is sovreign and so above me in his ways that i will never understand.
Spirit, you are alive and working. Sometimes, i just have to open my eyes. Open my eyes to the hearts around me. Open my eyes so that i might experience your glory even more than i have. I want to see with your eyes. I want to see hearts the way you do that i might learn to love your children as you do. But your ways are higher. You are God, King, Saviour while i am a child, a human with an evil heart. I am nothing without your son.
Daddy, right now i want to lift up my sisters.we all need to find worth in you. in this world were we are constantly thrown into the idea that we have to be something that they've created, help us understand who you've created us to be. You have created every thought, ever part of us, everything that we have done and will do is written down in your book even before it happened. you are the only thing that makes us complete and whole. You are the only person who could love us the way you do no one else is capable of such a huge love, of such a pure love.
I'm frusterated with the fact that words can not express who you are. I wish our ability to write and to speak would make us capable to catch a glimpse of you. i can not even come close to expressing it.
I'm not worthy to call you my father and yet you called me daughter. You called me your child. you called me love. God i want to ask that you would give us wisdom and discernment as we seek your voice in the middle of a world that has voices shouting at us everyday. Help us hear your voice clearly and know your truths and be able to seperate it from the lies that the world and even the devil throw at us everyday.
God help us to know that we are beautiful. Help us to know that we are yours. Give us an understanding of the fact that we are princesses. help us realize that along with taking up a cross everyday, you've also placed on our heads a crown that people might look at us and realize that we are princesses, who have a father that adores us. thank you for adoring us. Thank you for making me smile. Wow, whenever i'm having a crazy day, or i'm exhausted, you show me what it means to have joy.
" The spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me, for the Lord has appointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that captives will be released and prisoners will be freed. He has sent me to tell those who mourn that the time of the Lord's favor has come, and with it, the day of God's anger against their enemies. To all who mourn in Israel, he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that the Lord has planted for his own glory." Isaiah 61:1-3
"... for the Lord delights in you and he will claim you as his bride. Your children will commit themselves to you, O Jerusalem, just as a young man commits himself to his bride. Then God will rejoice over you as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride." Isaiah 62: 4
Thursday, November 15, 2007
To you daddy
Heya God,
i haven't really sat down and just talked to you in a while. and for that i'm sorry. i know your callling me to put you first. and i want to- my life is just filled with so many things right now. and i know that they are worldly things and nothing can even come close in importance than spending time with you. Like a wayward child, i'm coming back asking you to forgive me and have mercy on me. you seek me and love me and you're always talking to me and sometimes i put myself in a spot where i just don't have time to listen to you calling my name. Daddy, please get rid of this sickness that seems to not want to go away and help me to have energy and joy that i might be able to serve you.
God, right now i espicially want to lift up my sister Katie. God, i'm so glad that you've put this calling in her heart to get baptized and i'm so excited that she's going to step out in obedience and trust you. God, you're faithful and you are worthy of her trust. Help her to see that and to learn to have peace with that idea in mind. God, would you give katie the words you want her to speak and help her be authentic and honest. God i pray that your story would be told and katie would trust that it is you speaking and that she would rely on that. God, please give her strength and courage as she speaks about the tough things- the things that she's been strugging with and the things she's needed your strength for. I ask that you would strengthen her adn give her a need to rely on you. make it known to her that you are her strong tower and you will watch over her and that you love her SOO much. i know that your heart is bursting with love every time you think of your beautiful daughter and i pray right now that you would show her even a small glimpse of how much she is worth to you. I ask that you give the congregation open hearts that are filled with wonder in all that you have done in her life and i pray that you would touch them with her's and your's story. fill her heart with joy as she speaks about the glorious things you have done in her life. And God, i'm so excited for this and i know that we are rejoicing hardcore down here that one of your daughters is stepping out and telling your story. But i can't even fathom what kind of party is going on up there as you and the angels are watching her go down under the water. Thank you God that you keep on tugging at our hearts. thank you God for your plan and for your deep intimate knowledge of us. thank you that you are sovreign and yet you sent your son to live a humble life. Thank you that you understand our hearts and that you love us like little children. God, i wanna make you proud. I think all of the mexico girls want to amke you proud. so give us courage adn strength and wisdom adn integrity and discretion adn love as we step out in faith to live for you. Be our number one. You are so worthy to be our number one. nothing else should matter. Please God, take away all of the worldly distractions and help us understand your calling in our lives. WE LOVE YOU GOD. THANK YOU FOR LOVING US FIRST.
i haven't really sat down and just talked to you in a while. and for that i'm sorry. i know your callling me to put you first. and i want to- my life is just filled with so many things right now. and i know that they are worldly things and nothing can even come close in importance than spending time with you. Like a wayward child, i'm coming back asking you to forgive me and have mercy on me. you seek me and love me and you're always talking to me and sometimes i put myself in a spot where i just don't have time to listen to you calling my name. Daddy, please get rid of this sickness that seems to not want to go away and help me to have energy and joy that i might be able to serve you.
God, right now i espicially want to lift up my sister Katie. God, i'm so glad that you've put this calling in her heart to get baptized and i'm so excited that she's going to step out in obedience and trust you. God, you're faithful and you are worthy of her trust. Help her to see that and to learn to have peace with that idea in mind. God, would you give katie the words you want her to speak and help her be authentic and honest. God i pray that your story would be told and katie would trust that it is you speaking and that she would rely on that. God, please give her strength and courage as she speaks about the tough things- the things that she's been strugging with and the things she's needed your strength for. I ask that you would strengthen her adn give her a need to rely on you. make it known to her that you are her strong tower and you will watch over her and that you love her SOO much. i know that your heart is bursting with love every time you think of your beautiful daughter and i pray right now that you would show her even a small glimpse of how much she is worth to you. I ask that you give the congregation open hearts that are filled with wonder in all that you have done in her life and i pray that you would touch them with her's and your's story. fill her heart with joy as she speaks about the glorious things you have done in her life. And God, i'm so excited for this and i know that we are rejoicing hardcore down here that one of your daughters is stepping out and telling your story. But i can't even fathom what kind of party is going on up there as you and the angels are watching her go down under the water. Thank you God that you keep on tugging at our hearts. thank you God for your plan and for your deep intimate knowledge of us. thank you that you are sovreign and yet you sent your son to live a humble life. Thank you that you understand our hearts and that you love us like little children. God, i wanna make you proud. I think all of the mexico girls want to amke you proud. so give us courage adn strength and wisdom adn integrity and discretion adn love as we step out in faith to live for you. Be our number one. You are so worthy to be our number one. nothing else should matter. Please God, take away all of the worldly distractions and help us understand your calling in our lives. WE LOVE YOU GOD. THANK YOU FOR LOVING US FIRST.
Friday, November 9, 2007
please prayyy!!!
heyy girls im going for my drivers test again next week. can u please pray for me?? thanks!!!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
THURSDAY NIGHT exclaimation point
Hey guys
I'm sorry this is so late
but we will have a missions meeting at my house( 354 Sebestyen Cres) at 7:00
Bring swimsuits and yeah we don't have school on friday so I don;t know how long it'll go. but yeah I really hope everyone can come!!!
I'm sorry this is so late
but we will have a missions meeting at my house( 354 Sebestyen Cres) at 7:00
Bring swimsuits and yeah we don't have school on friday so I don;t know how long it'll go. but yeah I really hope everyone can come!!!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Email from our buddie G-unit
Berg Graham to me, Mike, Chet, Chet show details 3:06 PM (30 minutes ago) Reply
Hey y'all,So all is well out in Ontarioville. Midterms are stressful and there's always more to do, but that's OK...I'm getting through it and Christmas is almost here. Currently I'm studying for my last midterm...Hooray! I've had nine midterms so far this month with my tenth being tomorrow (that's my neuroanatomy that I should be studying for right now) and my brain is ready to shut down on me haha. Apparently becoming an eye doctor takes quite a bit of work...weird. I've been able to collect a few cool tools along the way so far such as my ophthalmoscope (can't wait to hear Sam try and pronounce that!) and my lens kit and everything. Basically I get to spends lots of money on really cool gadgets that let me see into the's pretty neat. It's been a long haul with finding a new "home" church out here, but I think my search has been conclusive. I've been able to connect with a few college and career people in a church down here called Waterloo Mennonite Brethren. It's a big church, but with a really young congregation.
So I've booked a flight home for the 20th of December and I'm flying back out here on the 4th. That means I should have a few days to kick around in Saskatoon. I'm going to do my best to see as many people as I can, but unfortunately I only have so much time so we'll see how it goes. SO there's a quick update on me. I'm busy, but staying alive and healthy. If you guys could pass this on to anyone interested that would be wonderful and appreciated. Thank you for all your prayers and support...God has definitely been faithful with helping me find my way out here. Take care and God bless!
Hey y'all,So all is well out in Ontarioville. Midterms are stressful and there's always more to do, but that's OK...I'm getting through it and Christmas is almost here. Currently I'm studying for my last midterm...Hooray! I've had nine midterms so far this month with my tenth being tomorrow (that's my neuroanatomy that I should be studying for right now) and my brain is ready to shut down on me haha. Apparently becoming an eye doctor takes quite a bit of work...weird. I've been able to collect a few cool tools along the way so far such as my ophthalmoscope (can't wait to hear Sam try and pronounce that!) and my lens kit and everything. Basically I get to spends lots of money on really cool gadgets that let me see into the's pretty neat. It's been a long haul with finding a new "home" church out here, but I think my search has been conclusive. I've been able to connect with a few college and career people in a church down here called Waterloo Mennonite Brethren. It's a big church, but with a really young congregation.
So I've booked a flight home for the 20th of December and I'm flying back out here on the 4th. That means I should have a few days to kick around in Saskatoon. I'm going to do my best to see as many people as I can, but unfortunately I only have so much time so we'll see how it goes. SO there's a quick update on me. I'm busy, but staying alive and healthy. If you guys could pass this on to anyone interested that would be wonderful and appreciated. Thank you for all your prayers and support...God has definitely been faithful with helping me find my way out here. Take care and God bless!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
face of light

sometimes your voice isn't in my ear
sometimes i feel like you've left me here
and the world is still and silent
sometimes i feel like you've left me here
and the world is dark and hopeless
you are light
your face opens my eyes
your words are sweet in my ears
your face is the face of light
Don't leave me here God.
Don't act like you've forgotten me
because i know you hear my cries
I weep and my heart cries out when you seem to have left me
you are my heart
my tears will not end until you come and shine your light
come back to me.
lift me back onto my feet.
let your face of light shine on me again
God, through this pain, i trust you.
Through the dark,
the silence,
the emptiness,
the aloneness,
I trust in you.
I know that whatever i feel in this moment is a part of your plan
your glorious, perfect plan.
I know that no matter what i feel in this moment,
you ARE here
you ARE good and your love endures
i will learn to be patient
i will learn to listen harder
i will learn to look deeper
i will learn to cherish the little things, the little moments of your glory
Open my eyes God.
I want to see you
I want to see your glory
i want to see your face of light
I miss you daddy
i miss you, i trust you, i love you
daddy, friend, comforter, love, face of light.
i miss you, i trust you, i love you
daddy, friend, comforter, love, face of light.
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