Thursday, November 15, 2007

To you daddy

Heya God,
i haven't really sat down and just talked to you in a while. and for that i'm sorry. i know your callling me to put you first. and i want to- my life is just filled with so many things right now. and i know that they are worldly things and nothing can even come close in importance than spending time with you. Like a wayward child, i'm coming back asking you to forgive me and have mercy on me. you seek me and love me and you're always talking to me and sometimes i put myself in a spot where i just don't have time to listen to you calling my name. Daddy, please get rid of this sickness that seems to not want to go away and help me to have energy and joy that i might be able to serve you.
God, right now i espicially want to lift up my sister Katie. God, i'm so glad that you've put this calling in her heart to get baptized and i'm so excited that she's going to step out in obedience and trust you. God, you're faithful and you are worthy of her trust. Help her to see that and to learn to have peace with that idea in mind. God, would you give katie the words you want her to speak and help her be authentic and honest. God i pray that your story would be told and katie would trust that it is you speaking and that she would rely on that. God, please give her strength and courage as she speaks about the tough things- the things that she's been strugging with and the things she's needed your strength for. I ask that you would strengthen her adn give her a need to rely on you. make it known to her that you are her strong tower and you will watch over her and that you love her SOO much. i know that your heart is bursting with love every time you think of your beautiful daughter and i pray right now that you would show her even a small glimpse of how much she is worth to you. I ask that you give the congregation open hearts that are filled with wonder in all that you have done in her life and i pray that you would touch them with her's and your's story. fill her heart with joy as she speaks about the glorious things you have done in her life. And God, i'm so excited for this and i know that we are rejoicing hardcore down here that one of your daughters is stepping out and telling your story. But i can't even fathom what kind of party is going on up there as you and the angels are watching her go down under the water. Thank you God that you keep on tugging at our hearts. thank you God for your plan and for your deep intimate knowledge of us. thank you that you are sovreign and yet you sent your son to live a humble life. Thank you that you understand our hearts and that you love us like little children. God, i wanna make you proud. I think all of the mexico girls want to amke you proud. so give us courage adn strength and wisdom adn integrity and discretion adn love as we step out in faith to live for you. Be our number one. You are so worthy to be our number one. nothing else should matter. Please God, take away all of the worldly distractions and help us understand your calling in our lives. WE LOVE YOU GOD. THANK YOU FOR LOVING US FIRST.


katelynn said...

aww thank you erin...that is just what i needed, and honestly you just made me cry!!! i love you!

*gracie* said...

erin you always know just what to