sometimes your voice isn't in my ear
sometimes i feel like you've left me here
and the world is still and silent
sometimes i feel like you've left me here
and the world is dark and hopeless
you are light
your face opens my eyes
your words are sweet in my ears
your face is the face of light
Don't leave me here God.
Don't act like you've forgotten me
because i know you hear my cries
I weep and my heart cries out when you seem to have left me
you are my heart
my tears will not end until you come and shine your light
come back to me.
lift me back onto my feet.
let your face of light shine on me again
God, through this pain, i trust you.
Through the dark,
the silence,
the emptiness,
the aloneness,
I trust in you.
I know that whatever i feel in this moment is a part of your plan
your glorious, perfect plan.
I know that no matter what i feel in this moment,
you ARE here
you ARE good and your love endures
i will learn to be patient
i will learn to listen harder
i will learn to look deeper
i will learn to cherish the little things, the little moments of your glory
Open my eyes God.
I want to see you
I want to see your glory
i want to see your face of light
I miss you daddy
i miss you, i trust you, i love you
daddy, friend, comforter, love, face of light.
i miss you, i trust you, i love you
daddy, friend, comforter, love, face of light.
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