Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Reply: Cults vs. Religion

Erin, I think what you said pretty much summed it up: cults are the worship and uplifting of something worldly, and religions are the uplifting of a higher power, or creator, or some divine being. But I can see how some people say that cults and religions are the same...if you look at the definition for each word, they are described very similarily:

1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
2. a particular system of faith and worship.
3. a pursuit or interest followed with devotion.

1. a system of religious worship directed towards a particular figure or object.
2. a small religious group regarded as strange or as imposing excessive control over members.
3. something popular or fashionable among a particular section of society.

Many people consider cults very similar to religions because of things like definitions 1 and 2 from the word "cult". I think the key is to know that the word "religion" can take a couple different forms...for example, watching our favourite TV show religiously is very different from being a religious (faithful or righteous) person. Hopefully this sheds some light on the topic for you.

1 comment:

Paul said...

I completely agree with what Erika said another suggestion would be to pray about it. Pray that whoever this is would see your view and take on the situation. Pray that God would show you something hrough his word or through his people trust that he'll give you the answers.