AHHHHH!! oh my goodeness!!!!!!!!!!! this is soo exciting!! everybody give a shout of joy. now stand up where ever you are and do a happy dance. i mean it!! i honestly just did one. you should too. it's fun. woww!! you guys are really amazing! the blogsite looks absolutely awesome.
i was just writing another one of my mass email thingers, but now i can just post it here!! that's so awesome!!! thank you erika and katelynn!!!! hee hee, i love purple. here's what i was gonna email:
okay, well today was a little bit better than the first day back. (check your email if you haven't already) and i got to witness a small miracle. in my daily life. isn't that exciting?
i was in math class and this is the worst class all day long because basically i have no close friends and the somewhat friends i do have are definately not christian. the people in that class do nothing but complain and give attitude to the teacher and to each other. they swear and talk about drugs, what they did when they were drunk and gossip nonstop. it's like nothing that comes out of their mouths is good, like they are incapable of saying something beneficial or nice. my poor teacher, whos done nothing to deserve it, is almost always the brunt of their meaness and attitude. so as you can probably tell, this class almost always gets me down. but today, i couldn't help but smile because i got a small miracle.
They were really digging in hard to the teacher and suddenly it hit me that their words and actions were evil and evil comes from Satan. so i prayed (in my wonderful, handy-dandy pj- (prayer journal)), "father forgive them. their tongues are wicked and are controlled by satan. In your holy name, make their tongues silent. Father, perform a miracle and shut their mouths. You have power over darkness." and no, joke, as i was writing this, the room got silent and for the rest of class, i didn't witness one of them giving attitude to the teacher. i heard some swearing still and they weren't silent or anything. but, i didn't hear any complaints for a full half hour!!! My God is powerful and awesome. it doesn't seem like anything huge to you maybe, but it was really exciting to me.
Let wicked words drown in righteousness oh God.
We bow our hearts,
We bend our knees,
Oh Spirit come make us humble.
We turn our eyes,
From evil things,
Oh Lord we Cast down our idols.
Give us clean hands,
Give us pure hearts,
Let us not lift our souls to another.
And God let us be a generation that seeks,
seeks your face, oh God of Jacob.
shoot, that wasn't meant to be double spaced, sorry, now it's really big...
That is so awesome, Erin! The power of prayer at work! And I love that song!
i love the power of prayer, it turned up a few miracles for me his week too.^^
WOW is all i have to say...
our God is an awesome God and i love what he is doing in our lives!!!
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