well my handy dictionary said gossip is...
A person who habitually spreads intimate or private rumors or facts.
A person who habitually spreads intimate or private rumors or facts.
now lets break that down even more habitually means... according to routine or established practice or according to habit or custom. and intamite or private means...( i know your not stupid but yeah.) Very personal. so basically so far we've got gossip = routine spreading of personal things fact or fiction. So yeah know that I understand that where does that leave me. Where is the line? I have heard that statement so many times. so where is the line according to God and his views on gossip...Is it like that saying that goes something like only do what you'd be comfortable doing if your dad was watching. IS that the same with God only say what your saying if you'd say it to God. I know there are some verses out there like... 23 You say, “I am allowed to do anything”but not everything is good for you. You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is beneficial.1 corinthians 10:23 and the one that says don't make another believer stumble because of your actions. So basically don't say anything if it's going to bring someone down. THat is so difficult. THis is one of my biggest struggles with the bible. because it is not black and white but don't get me wrong I also love it because then I have to search and spend time with God. I'm so used to just having things come naturally to me. I'm not trying to brag but I know that my life is not difficult even though I complain and there are people living in the streets or dealing with difficult family situations. so... How do you draw that line? so basically I'm back where I started and I don't know. is this line a personal thing or is this line set between God and I. Why is there gray area?I know I'm not the only one dealing with this and I hope there is someone out there with more wisdom on this topic. I'm nt even sure why I'm writing this...
cute picture
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