Monday, June 18, 2007

Random stuff

Well, i got to school today at 8:25 as usual and i totally forgot that i didn't have first period. I know i'm a dingus.So here i am in the library at school, bored out of my mind. So i'm writing a whole bunch of random stuff cause i feel like it. My first final is tomorrow.Ahhh! i'm scared. Actually, not really. I'm doing good in math, it's chemistry and physics i'm worried about. Anyway, 8 hours in the library everyday should fix that problem.Lalalalalala i'm so bored and i don't know what to write anymore.Hmmm.Music, i like music. Music would be nice right now but i don't have music so i can't listen to musis which sucks cause i love music. I CAN'T WAIT FOR SUMMER HOLIDAYS TO START IN LIKE 8 DAYS!i love summer so much.Can't wait to go to the lake leanne! Oh yeah for all you amazing girls, if it all works out, and i think i told some of you, i am planning to invite all the mexico girls out to my family's cabin in september as sort of a retreat thingy(would cost money like the youth retreat). Not for sure and if it doesn't happen this year it will happen next yeah it should be fun.OH my goodness! You know what i just thought about? I'm graduating next year! that's a scary thought. I don't even know what i'm doing after high school. Oh well i'll worry about that later.Sorry for writing such a stupid long blog.Well, maybe it's not that long. I can't tell.Guess what else i thought of?
THE GAME! Hahahahaha


*gracie* said...

hee hee i love random posts

enji said...

oh my goodness!! if someone else posts about losing the game,,, GRRRRR!
that's awesome about your family's cabin thing. i was thinking we should definately put together some sort of road trip type thinger. question, where is your lake and would this be without parents? *hopeful*

Rach said...

it would be with my mommy there. my family's cabin is at manitou beach , its about an hour away.